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Tainted Love: The gritty new thriller from the #1 bestseller Page 11
Tainted Love: The gritty new thriller from the #1 bestseller Read online
Page 11
‘You’re one callous bastard, Vin. You don’t even seem upset.’
‘I’m not callous, bruv. I’m real. You feel guilty, that’s why you’re doing your martyr speech. Whereas I have sod-all to feel guilty about. I’ll kill that fucking Dave when I get me hands on him this time, make no mistake about that though. Where did it happen? D’ya know?’
‘Nothing to do with Dave, so the Old Bill reckon. They’ve already let him go. He was in the Cross Keys when Bren got stabbed. She was with a pal and on her way home from the Eastbrook boozer. I don’t think the filth have much to go on, to be honest.’
‘Got to be something to do with Dave. We’ll pay him a little visit tomorrow. How’s Mum taking it?’
‘A bit tearful, but not too bad. She’s made up with Auntie Viv, thank Christ. I dropped ’em home on the way here. You need to get your arse round there and take care of things. I can’t get out of working tonight ’cause it’s gonna be rammed and I’m short-staffed thanks to a flu bug.’
‘You should shut the club as a mark of respect, bruv. I’m sure Mum will be upset if you don’t,’ Vinny warned.
‘And are you shutting your club for the foreseeable, Vin?’
‘Nah. But I won’t be working. Jay Boy and Carl will run it in my absence. Anyway, my club’s in Holborn, so it’s different. The locals are bound to hear through the grapevine that Bren’s been murdered, and it stinks of disrespect, you opening up in Whitechapel.’
‘Says who? I’ve already told Mum the score. I’ve got some well-known DJ booked, and if I shut the poxy club, it’ll cause mayhem with the amount of tickets that’ve been bought. Mum was OK about it. Had it been any other night, of course I would’ve closed the gaff.’
Vinny Butler tutted. ‘Bang out of order, that is, bruv. Our sister ain’t even cold yet.’
Katy Spencer tried on yet another dress, before finally making her mind up. ‘I think I’m going to wear the pink one I tried on first, Luce. It shows my bump more, and I still felt sexy in it.’
‘Good choice. But more importantly, what you going to say to Michael? Will you mention you know he’s seeing Bella?’
‘Yes. Then I will tell him I’m carrying his baby and watch him squirm. He’s bound to finish with Bella, Luce, so we can finally be a proper family. I’ve decided to forgive him for lying to me. He was only worried about the age gap, and he truly loves me, I know he does.’
Lucy Tompkins nodded and smiled in a sympathetic manner. Katy was either truly naïve, or obsessed enough to get what she actually wanted. It was one of the two.
Vinny Butler’s brain was working overtime. He was so annoyed with his own stupidity. It was too late for regrets though. What was done was done.
‘The car’s spotless. Up to you, but I don’t think you should burn it, Vin,’ Jay Boy advised, handing his boss the keys.
‘I won’t. My head’s clearer now. Don’t bother getting me a new mattress either. I’m gonna use the one in your old room, that way we only have to get rid of the second bed base,’ Vinny ordered.
‘We still sticking with the same alibi?’
‘Yeah. But if the Old Bill come knocking, I’ve decided to admit I met the bird, ’cause they wouldn’t be knocking if some nosy bastard hadn’t spotted me with her. I very much doubt anybody recognized me in that boozer though. It was full of the leftie brigade. I reckon there must have been some tree-hugging rally on in London somewhere. Those unwashed jobless mugs ain’t gonna know who I am, are they?’
‘If the bizzies do tug you, will you admit you brought her back to your flat?’ Jay Boy asked.
‘Dunno. But as long as you say you picked me up from here around twelve, all will be cool. The Kellys have two other geezers to back the alibi if need be, and one’s a bent cop on their payroll. I’d better get off now, take care of my mum. She’s bound to be upset over Bren. It never rains in my world, it always fucking pours.’
‘I’m sorry about your sister, mate. Couldn’t believe it when Michael told me. I know exactly how you feel. I felt like my heart had been ripped out when my bro died. Dunno how I’d have coped if it wasn’t for you,’ Jay Boy admitted. He and Vinny had been sharing a cell in Pentonville when his brother had been stabbed to death back in Liverpool.
‘It hardly feels the same, Jay. Your brother was a dude. Whereas my sister was a drunken loser and total embarrassment. It actually ain’t a bad thing Bren’s departed this world with a bit of folklore behind her. Better than making a cunt of herself and my family for many more years to come, until her liver finally decided it’d had enough of her. But whoever killed her, I will turn them into fucking mincemeat, and that’s a promise.’
Queenie Butler was knocking back the sherry. Obviously, she was extremely upset that her only daughter had been murdered, but it wasn’t quite the devastation she’d felt when other close family members had been taken from her. She felt more numb than anything.
‘I can’t believe we weren’t talking, Queen, and it’s taken something as tragic as this to bang our heads together. I missed you so much. Let’s make a pact that if we ever have a fall-out in the future we sort it out immediately. Can you imagine if one of us had croaked it while not talking to the other?’ Vivian said. She’d been on the sherry too and was feeling maudlin. Any death in the family always brought her Lenny’s back to her.
‘I missed you too, but I was so bleedin’ angry at the time. You should’ve just told me you went for a drink with Albie. I’d much rather it’d come from you than our interfering bastard neighbours.’
‘I know and I’m sorry. But it didn’t seem important at the time. Wait until I see that Nosy fucking Hilda next. I’ll give her holding hands, the trouble-making, lying old cow. In fact, I want us to confront her together.’
‘We will,’ said Queenie, pouring herself another sherry. ‘I keep seeing my Bren’s face when she was young and pretty. I’d sort of prepared myself that one day there’d be that knock on the door telling me she was gone. I thought it would be the booze that killed her though, not a knife. I wonder how Tara and Tommy are doing? I found it odd they didn’t want to come back here. I feel awful, what I said about ’em earlier. I would look after them if push came to shove, you know. They haven’t got anybody else, have they?’ She looked to her sister, suddenly tearful again as she recalled how Michael had driven her and Viv to Oldmead House where Brenda had lived. Dave had been there with Tara and Tommy, and the kids were insistent they wanted to stay with him and his daughter rather than accompany her back to Whitechapel.
‘Tara and Tommy’s lives and friends are in Dagenham, Queen. And apart from them being upset when they turned up on your doorstep that time when Bren and Dave had the fight, they genuinely seem fond of him. Especially today. He was cuddling ’em like they were his own.’
‘All false. Probably him that arranged Brenda’s death,’ Queenie spat.
‘You can’t come in, girls. I’m sorry, but it’s ticket only tonight,’ Michael’s doorman told Katy and Lucy.
‘But you must recognize me? I’m Michael’s ex-employee. I used to look after Daniel and Lee and cook and clean for him,’ Katy reminded the large man with the squashed nose.
Gerry sighed. ‘Yes, I do recognize you, but I’m under strict orders from Michael not to allow anybody in without a ticket. The place is already heaving.’
‘But my friend needs to see Michael. It’s urgent,’ Lucy piped up.
Donny, who usually worked the door with Gerry, was off with the flu, and his stand-in Black Troy laughed. ‘Lots of ladies urgently want to see Michael, but that man is taken. So off you trot. Yous two are far too young for the boss anyway,’ he chuckled.
Lucy clocked the shell-shocked tearful look on her pal’s face and bravely poked Black Troy in the chest. ‘Too young for your wonderful boss, are we? Well, look at my friend’s stomach. Turn sideways, Katy, go on. See that bump? My mate is carrying Michael’s baby, so I guess you can let her in after all. As for me, I plan to be godmother, so I guess I won�
�t need a ticket either.’
Gerry suddenly felt anxious. ‘Shut the fuck up, Troy, I’ll deal with this. Ladies, wait here a tick. I’ll go and find Michael.’
Vinny Butler was holding his beloved mother in his protective arms. Vivian had sodded off back to her own gaff as soon as he’d arrived, then minutes later the Old Bill had turned up. They seemed to have no leads in the hunt for Brenda’s murderer, and according to them her pissed-up mate had been about as much use as a chocolate teapot. She hadn’t even been able to give them a decent description of the killer.
‘I’m telling you now, Mum, no way was that a random attack. If it was some nutter, he would’ve stabbed Bren’s mate an’ all. The Old Bill are hopeless. I’ve got more chance of finding out who killed Bren than them. It’s either someone Bren’s upset, or it’s a direct attack on this family. I’ll shoot down to Dagenham with Michael tomorrow. We’ll do a bit of investigating ourselves, starting with Dave. He could’ve easily organized it, him. But he was petrified when I threatened him after he hit her, so part of me thinks it ain’t him. But who knows? Perhaps the shitbag had Bren insured, decided it was worth his while to take the risk.’
‘Does Little Vinny know yet?’
‘Yeah. He offered to postpone the wedding, but I told him not to be so stupid. It’s cost Sammi-Lou’s dad an arm and leg. He might be an arrogant prick, Gary Allen, but hats off to him for pushing the boat out.’
‘Answer the door for me, Vin. I’m really not in the mood to see anyone other than family, boy.’
Vinny opened the front door and stared at the ugly ginger bird. She was obviously pissed. Her eyes looked glazed and he could smell the fumes. ‘Who the fuck are you?’ he snarled.
Still in shock, the girl burst into tears. ‘I’ve got a message from Brenda for ya,’ she slurred.
Vinny pulled the door to as he didn’t want to upset his mother. ‘What are you, a fucking psychic?’
‘No. I’m Ginger Sharon. Bren knew who killed her, Vinny. Before she died, she told me to tell ya.’
Michael Butler was horrified as Lucy marched into his office with Katy, pointing at Katy’s stomach and shouting abuse at him.
‘You want me to hang around, boss?’ Gerry asked awkwardly.
‘No. You go back to the door.’ Michael turned to Lucy. ‘Do you mind if I speak to Katy alone, please?’
‘Yes, I do mind. You’ve messed Katy about and lied to her, so I want to hear what you’ve got to say for yourself,’ Lucy replied bravely. She wasn’t usually a big drinker, but had been so nervous about accompanying Katy to the club, she’d drunk a whole bottle of Asti Spumante to herself.
‘Lucy, I’ll be fine. Please wait outside while I talk to Michael. I’ll call you if I need you, I promise.’
When Lucy slammed the door, Michael got straight to the point. ‘So is it true? Are you pregnant?’
Katy stood sideways and pushed her bump out as far as she could.
‘And how can it be mine? Whenever we had sex, I used a condom.’
‘Not always. Twice we did it without a condom,’ Katy reminded the man she loved, her bottom lip trembling. She’d been hoping he’d be pleased to see her, but Michael was looking at her so coldly.
‘Once, not twice,’ Michael spat. ‘Was you sleeping with anyone else around that time?’
‘How could you even ask me that? I’m not a slag! Is that what you think of me? I loved you and I thought you loved me. And it was twice we did it without a condom,’ Katy retorted, tears of anger beginning to fall.
‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t want another child, Katy, so you’re gonna have to get rid of it, darling. I’ll book somewhere private, come with you. It’s for the best, trust me.’
‘No way am I having an abortion. I hear you’re back with Bella. Is she the reason you ended our relationship and sacked me?’
Michael punched his desk in frustration. If being brutal was the only way to make the stupid tart get rid of this unwanted baby, then so be it. ‘We were never in a fucking relationship; it was just sex, end of. I love Bella, not you. I was gutted when she sodded off back to Italy, and you were – well, available. You made it perfectly clear what you wanted, turning up at the club with hardly any clothes on, like some fuckin’ stalker. Me being a man, I gave you what you were begging for. It meant nothing to me. You mean nothing to me, and neither will that brat in your stomach. So let’s do the sensible thing and get rid of it, shall we?’
As the harsh reality of Michael’s words hit home, Katy stood open-mouthed. Furious with herself and him, she picked up Michael’s mobile phone and aimed it at his head. She then ran from the office, sobbing.
‘Bren did love you, Queenie, deep down. And she was so proud of her brothers in her own way. She felt left out at times though, I know she did. A bit unloved, like she wasn’t an important part of the family. I’m gonna miss her so much, bless her. She was my bezzie.’
Aware that tears were streaming down his mother’s cheeks, Vinny gently grabbed hold of Ginger Sharon’s elbow. ‘You get off now, girl. Cheers for coming round – and keep what you’ve told us to yourself. There’s a cab firm round the corner. Take that and get yourself home safely,’ Vinny urged, giving the lush a score. She was getting on his nerves now, big time.
‘You will get revenge for Bren, won’t you? When will the funeral be? I’m gonna be lost without her, Vin.’
‘And won’t we all be. My mum’ll let you know the funeral arrangements. She’s got your number now. You take care, love,’ Vinny said, virtually bundling Sharon out the front door.
Queenie shook her head dismally. ‘Jake Jackson. I remember him when he was knee-high. What did Bren ever do to upset him, eh?’
Vinny said nothing. He knew Brenda’s murder was payback for his own actions. True enemies always came from past sins. He’d disposed of Jake’s grandfather Kenny many years ago. It wasn’t common knowledge – very few of the murders he’d committed were. About the only exception was the killing of Jake’s father, Bobby. Believing him to have been responsible for Molly’s death, Vinny had slung him through a bookie’s window and beat him senseless in front of witnesses. Bobby had died due to his injuries, landing Vinny with a lengthy prison sentence.
‘Made me feel bad, what Sharon said. We always tried to help Bren, didn’t we?’
Vinny kissed his mother on the forehead. ‘Don’t take to heart what Sharon said, that was just the drink talking. Bren was far too wrapped up in herself to be discussing us.’
Queenie stroked her eldest’s face. ‘Be careful, won’t ya? I don’t want you going away again.’
Vinny stood up. ‘I’m gonna ring Geary, find out where the shitbag lives. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure our Brenda’s memory is honoured, Mum. In true Butler style.’
Daniel Butler nudged his brother to wake him up. ‘Dad came home about an hour ago and someone else has turned up now. Let’s creep downstairs and see if it’s Katy.’
Careful not to tread on the creaky floorboard, Lee followed his brother. There were muffled voices coming from the front room and the door was shut.
‘It’s Vinny,’ Daniel whispered, putting his ear to the door.
Daniel’s eyes widened as he learned Jake Jackson had killed Brenda. He remembered Jake getting put away for stabbing some random people in a carvery and hadn’t realized he was now free.
‘Where does he live?’ Lee heard his father ask.
It was clear from the rest of the conversation that his dad and Vinny planned to kill Jake, which alarmed Daniel. Gesturing to his brother to follow him back up the stairs, Daniel wrote Jake’s address down.
‘Why you doing that?’ Lee asked.
‘Because we’re gonna pay Jake a visit. No way can we chance Dad getting nicked, Lee. If he goes to prison, we’ll get put into care. No one else is gonna want us living with them, are they? Nan ain’t got no time for us and Granddad can barely take care of himself. As for Vinny, he don’t even live with his own daughter.’r />
‘What we gonna do then? Warn Jake?’
Daniel raised his eyes in exasperation. ‘Course we ain’t gonna warn him. We’re gonna set fire to his flat with him inside.’
‘How d’ya know he even lives in a flat?’
‘’Cause I heard Vinny say it’s a tower block. If we pour loads of petrol through Jake’s letterbox then set fire to some newspaper, he won’t be able to escape, will he? Not unless he throws himself out the window. And if he does that, he’ll be dead anyway.’
Vinny Butler checked over the van, then handed Mick the Greek the dosh. ‘Keep it garaged, and I’ll bell you when I’m ready to collect.’
‘No worries, Vin. And good luck tomorrow. Hope it all goes smoothly.’
‘Cheers, pal.’
Vinny switched on the ignition and cranked up the volume of his Roxy Music cassette. He’d spoken to Michael again this morning and the two of them had decided to do away with Jake alone. No matter what Brenda might have turned into, she was still their bloody sister and young Jake Jackson had taken a huge liberty. The little shit was certainly no older than eighteen.
His sister might not have wanted his help while alive, but Vinny was determined to do her proud in death. Firstly though, he had a wedding to attend. His son’s.
Lee Butler nervously chewed at his fingernails as his brother explained the plan in more detail. He had serious reservations over the whole thing, but had always gone along with whatever Daniel had wanted to do in the past. ‘But say the whole block of flats burn down and we kill innocent people an’ all?’ Lee warned.
‘Tower blocks ain’t made of wood, you numpty. What we’ll do is after school one day, we’ll take a trip to Dagenham and check the flats out. Then we need an alibi before we strike.’